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Village of Fairmont

Public Library


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Fairmont Public Library

Quilt Night First Monday night of each month. 


    600 F Street  PO Box 428  Fairmont, NE 68354   
     Phone/Fax:  402.268.6081   
     E-mail: fairmontpubliclibrary@gmail.com  
     Located two blocks south of Hwy 6 on 6th Ave      

■  Online Card Catalogue and LIBBY   

 Sign up for Libby Learn how here!

Summer Reading Program

Registration open for preschool through teen programs

Registration for the 2025  Fairmont  Public Library Summer Reading program runs until the kickoff on event June 6.

Readers can participate in the 2025 Fairmont Public Library summer reading program, "Color Our World" starting with the program kickoff on Friday June 6

Activities will be held for the following age groups on specific days:

  • Preschool (age 3-8): Fridays at 10 a.m. .
  • Big Kids Club (9-13: Wednesdays at 7 pm 

Young patrons can also participate in independent reading only.

All activities and programs are open to children free of charge, but registration is required.


             NEW Hours:     Monday: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm; 1:00 pm - 5:30 pm; 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm 
                               Wednesday 9:00 am - 12:00 pm; ; 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm 
                              Thursday 1:00 pm - 5:30 pm
                      Friday: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm; 1:00 pm - 5:30 pm
                               Saturday: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm


Mission Statement:  The Fairmont Public Library will be the doorway to lifelong learning, dedicated to the enrichment of the individual by providing a recreational, informational items for our immediate area.  The Library will strive to be the cornerstone of the community, preserving traditional services while aiming toward state of the art technology.

■  Online Card Catalogue and Libby          


                                Microfilm List                                                    

Nebraska Access Free Databases

Look for us on Facebook!

                                                                                    Read Online

Inserted Image   NebrasKard        



The Fairmont Pubic Library now offers Digital e-books and Audiobooks.  The Fairmont Public Library expanded its services with e-Books and Audio books available to enjoy from the library's website.  Library card holders can borrow popular digital media anytime, anywhere by visiting http:/nebraska.lib.overdrive.com.

Users may browse the library's website, borrow titles with a valid Library card, and enjoy on  all major computers and devices, including iPhone, iPad, Nook, Android phones and tablets, and Kindle, e-Books can be read immediately on any device with an interest browser and all titles will automatically expire at the end of the lending period.  There are no late fees!

this new service, powered by LIBBY, is free for users with a library card.  To get started enjoying eBooks and audiobooks, visit http://nebraska.lib.overdrive.com.  You can fine helpful tools and information, such as contacting support, by clicking the Help button on the digital collection.


We have a Certified Librarian, We have a Certified Library Board, We are an  Accredited Library 

We have a Summer Reading Program every summer, special story times throughout the year.

The first Monday of each month we have a Quilting Club. 

We provide books for an Adult Reading Group

Automated, Fax Machine, Photocopy machine, 4 Computers for Patrons, Inter-library Loan

 Large Print Books,  Books on Cd, DVD's, Reference Books and Encyclopedias, Periodicals, Community Newspaper, Community Scrapbooks,  Microfilm and Microfiche,  Cake Pans, Puzzles and Puppets


Library Board Members :  President: Georgia Schropfer

                                                        Vice President: Amy Tol

                                                        Secretary: Ambrea Schumacher

                                                         Board Member: Connie Seevers

                                                          Board Member:Shelly Wicks 

 Library Board Minutes:  November 11, 2023

Internet Policy :

General Policy:                                                                                                 FAIRMONT PUBLIC LIBRARY



ADOPTED   6-12-2023


Mission Statement

                The Fairmont Public Library will be the doorway to lifelong learning, dedicated to the enrichment of the individual by providing a recreational and informational setting, for our immediate area.  The library will strive to be the cornerstone of the community, preserving traditional services while aiming toward state of the art technology.


Goals and Objectives
  1. Assemble, organize and preserve printed and non-printed materials within its physical and financial means.
  1. Purchase entertaining reading for children, young adults and adults each month within budget restrictions.
  2. Strive to update and add to microfilm and digital collection.
  3. Participate in NEBRASKARD and promote free electronic databases provided by the Nebraska Library Commission.
  4. Participate in Libby for e-books, audio books and magazines.
  1. Provide children’s resources and programs throughout the year.
  1. Provide children’s story-time (at least 4 times a year).
  2. Provide Summer Reading programs for youth.
  3. Provide interlibrary loan for patrons with the cost of postage and free for special books needed for schoolwork.
  1. Be aware of Community needs.
  1. The Board of Trustees and the Librarian will be actively involved in community affairs.  Librarian is to ask for input from community through questionnaires, surveys or other means to determine community needs as needed.
  2. The library will host or provide programs to fit the needs of various groups such as elderly, civic groups, etc.  These programs will be for the education, enrichment and entertainment of the community.
  3. The Librarian will on a regular basis keep the community informed about new books, services and programs through the news media.
  4. The Library will provide any service needed which may be made available in cooperation with the Southeast Library System and the Nebraska Library Commission.
  5. The Library will aim toward providing updated technology for all patrons.
  6. The Library will strive keep the Library Website up to date.
  7.  The library will provide large print books for the visually handicapped.
  8. The Library will offer a shut in service for patrons physically unable to come to the library.
  9. The Library will keep close contact with the Southeast Library System and its projects.
  10. The Library will strive to remain informed and active in State and Legislative efforts.
  11. The librarian will be alert for funding opportunities that may assist in acquisition of technology or other opportunities for any library project.


Updated March 21. 2022 1  B  and D: Digital  and Libby for e-books, audio books and magazines.


                This organization shall be called “The Board of Trustees of the Fairmont Public Library” existing by virtue of the provisions of Chapter 51 of the Laws of the State of Nebraska, and exercising the powers and authority and assuming the responsibilities delegated to it under said statute.


ARTICLE II.  Board of Trustees

                Section 1.  The Board of Trustees shall be made up of five (5) members serving four (4) year terms.  The Board of Trustees suggest names of persons willing to serve on the Board to the City Council who in turn confirm for their value to the library in interpreting the needs of the community and the policies of the library.  No member shall receive any pay or compensation for services rendered as a member of the board with the exception of any mileage and expenses incurred while attending qualified library meetings.


ARTICLE III.  Officers

                Section 1.  The officers shall be a president, a vice president, a secretary/treasurer, elected from among the appointed trustees at the annual meeting of the board.  

                Section 2.  Nominations for the officers shall be made from the floor at the annual meeting.

                Section 3.  Officers shall serve a term of one year from the annual meeting (October 1st) at which they are elected and until their successors are duly elected.

                Section 4.  If in attendance, the president shall preside at all meetings of the board.  The president shall also authorize calls for any special meetings, appoint all committees, and execute all documents authorized by the Board.

  1. Committees.
  1. The President shall appoint committees of one or more members for specific purposes as the business of the Board may require from time to time.  The Committee shall be considered to be discharged upon completion of the purpose for which it was appointed and after the final report is made to the Board.
  2. All Committees shall make a progress report to the Library Board at each of its meetings.
  3. No committee will have other than advisory powers unless, by suitable action of the board, it is granted specific power to act.

Section 5.   The Vice‑President, in the event of the absence or disability of the

President, or of a vacancy in that office, shall assume and perform the duties and functions of the president.

Section 6.  The Secretary/treasurer shall keep a true and accurate record of all meetings of the Board, shall issue notice of all regular and special meetings, shall answer correspondence as directed by the Board, and shall perform such other duties as are generally associated with that office.

Section 7.  The Librarian shall keep an account of money received and spent, shall prepare and sign checks and give an account of the transactions at the board meeting.  The treasurer shall perform such other duties as are generally associated with that office.  In the absence or inability of the treasurer, the duties shall be performed by such other members of the Board as the President may designate

Section 8.  At the annual meeting in October, one board member and Village Clerk will be selected to sign checks for the year. Librarian will be an alternate.


Updated March 22, 2022 Section 3 October 1st;  6: Secretary/treasurer; 8. In October . one board member and the Village Clerk will be selected to sign check with Librarian as an alternate.


ARTICLE IV.  Meeting


                Section 1.  The Board of Trustees will hold a meeting the second Monday of each month except June and December  at 4:15 p.m.  at the library.  Three members will constitute a quorum.  In the event of no quorum, bills will be presented to each member and a text or email vote taken by the librarian or the treasurer.  All other business will be tabled until next month.

                Section 2.  Meetings are all open to the public.  A notice for each meeting will be posted in the ‘What’s Happening’ paper each month, at the post office,at the Village office and at the Library

                Section 3.  Special meetings may be called by the Secretary at the direction of the President or the Library Director or at the request of 2 Board members for the transaction of business as stated in the call for the meeting.

                Section 4.  The annual meeting, which shall be for the purpose of the election of officers and the adoption of annual reports, shall be held at the time of the regular meeting in October of each year.

                Section 5.  Conduct of meetings: Proceedings of all meetings shall be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order.

                Section 6.  The by‑laws may be amended by the majority vote of all members of the Board, provided written notice of the proposed amendment shall have been delivered to all members at least 10 days prior to the meeting at which such action is proposed to be taken.

Updated March 22, 2022 1. Text or email; 2. And at the Library

Updated March 13, 2023  Section 1 meeting changed to Second Monday




Article I.  Personnel Policy

                Section 1.  The Library Director is appointed by the Chairman of the Village Board upon recommendations of the Library Board and is an employee of the village.

                Section 2.  The staff is appointed, upon recommendation of the Library Director and the Library Board, by the Village Chairman of the Board and is an employee of the village.

                Section 3.  The Library Director must be certified by the Nebraska Library Commission.

                Section 4.  The Library will have a Director that works 40 hours per week.  One Assistant Director that can work up to 24 hours per month or more in the absence of the director, for illness, vacation, meetings and times when deemed necessary for two persons to work at the same time, i.e. Summer reading, story times, board meetings. The Library Director works 40 hours of each week.

                Section 5.  The Library Director is responsible for proper direction and supervision of staff.  For care and maintenance of library property, for an adequate and proper selection of books in keeping with stated policy of the Library Board, for the efficiency of library service to the public and for its financial operations within the limitations of the budgeted appropriations.

                Section 6.  The Library Director has the responsibility of hiring, supervising, and terminating of library staff.

                Section 7.  The Library Aide will be trained in basic library skills and will do all duties of day to day operations when working at the library.

                Section 8.  The library Board will give written evaluations of the Library Director and Assistant yearly.  The Library Board will recommend the salary of the Library Director and the Assistant Director, to be approved by the Village Board.  

                Section 9.  Annual leave of three weeks (120 hours) is granted with pay for the Library Director.  The Library Director is to work 40 hours each week, excepting vacation leave.  Vacation time may be taken at intervals of 1 hour up to 3 weeks (120 hours) consecutively unless obtaining prior approval from the library board.

                Section 10.  Overtime is paid, up to 10 hours per pay period.

                Section 11.  The Library Director shall be entitled to bereavement leave subject to board approval.

                Section 12.  The Library Director will receive paid (based upon the hours normally worked on that day) holiday time off for the following holidays:

New Years Day (Jan 1)

Presidents Day (third Monday in February)

Memorial Day (last Monday in May)

Juneteenth June (June 19th)

Independence Day (July 4)

Labor Day (1st Monday in Sept)

Columbus Day (second Monday in October)

Thanksgiving (4th Thursday in Nov)

Day after Thanksgiving

Christmas Day (Dec 25th)

       Holiday pay will be calculated on the employee’s straight-time pay rate.  If a recognized holiday falls on a Saturday, the holiday will be observed on the Friday before the holiday.  If a recognized holiday falls on a Sunday the holiday will be observed on the Monday following the holiday.

Section 13. The Library Director shall be entitled to paid sick leave of 12 days per year. (1 day for every full month of service).  Paid sick leave can be used in minimum increments of one hour. Upon the Library Director’s 10 years anniversary the total hours shall be reinstated, if necessary to 150 hours and sick leave shall be allowed to accumulate without limitation.  Unused sick leave benefits will not be paid to employees while they are employed or upon termination of employment.

Section 14.  Two weeks notice must be given for resignations.

                Section 15.  No fringe benefits are given to Assistant Library Director.

                Section 16.  The Library Director is encouraged to attend workshops, and meetings including trips for legislative matters concerning library development.  Mileage in accordance with city policy and expenses will be paid.



Updated March 22, 2022  4. The Library Director works 40 hours of each week.;

7.  The Library Aide;

9.  Annual leave of three weeks (120 hours) is granted with pay for the Library Director.  The Library Director is to work 40 hours each week, excepting vacation leave.  Vacation time may be taken at intervals of 1 hour up to 3 weeks (120 hours) consecutively unless obtaining prior approval from the library board.  12; Juneteenth June (June 19th)


ARTICLE I.  Use of Public Library

Section 1.   All services of the library including information service will be available to the patrons during all library hours.

                Section 2. Card Applications

  1. Borrowing privileges are free to all residents of the Village of Fairmont, Nebraska, and to all non-residents who own property within the village limits of Fairmont, Nebraska, upon full completion of the application.
  2. Membership.
    1. A membership will cost  $15.00 per fiscal year, Oct 1 thru Sept 30.for anyone outside village limits.
    2.  Membership includes borrowing privileges for immediate family members living in one household.
    3. Membership is not transferable outside the immediate family.
    4. Membership fee is not refundable.
    5. Service will not be denied or abridged because of gender or age; because of religious, racial, social, economic, or political status; because of mental, emotional, or physical condition; or because of sexual orientation.  Responsibility for the reading material of minors rest with their parents or legal guardians.
    6. The Fairmont Public Library will follow the rules of NEBRASKARD, no fee will be charged to someone who shows their NEBRASKARD status with another Library.  NEBRASKARD patrons cannot use the Overdrive in the secondary Library, only from their first library.  
  3. Applications:
    1. All applicants over 18 must show a picture ID to staff before receiving a library card.  Applicants 18 and under must have a parent or legal guardian sign the application after showing a picture ID to staff.
    2. New applicants are limited to having three items checked out.
    3. Applications for library cards require patrons to share their name, mailing address and residence if different), phone, employment and / or school, and email if applicable, along with a reference.  A signature indicates that the patron agrees to abide by the rules and regulations of the Fairmont Public Library.

Section 3. Outreach service.

  1.      An outreach service is available for any homebound patron with a current library card. Outreach service can be obtained by filling out a request sheet.  Books will be delivered and picked up to their door one day a week during inclement weather.

Section 4.  Cell phone use.

Cell Phone Ringers are requested to be silenced.

Section5.  Internet Access 

A. Free Internet access is available to everyone; all other library guidelines apply including copy charges. Copies are available at the current fee. See Internet Policy and WIFi Policy.

                Section 6. A typewriter is available, at no cost, for in-library use only.

Section 7. Tax forms from the IRS and NE Dept of Rev will only be available online and may be printed as needed at current charge per page.

Section 8.  Abuse of Library Policy and Restriction of Privileges

A. The use of the library or its services may be denied temporarily for due cause.  Such cause may include failure to return materials or to pay penalties, destruction of library property, or any other illegal, disruptive, or objectionable disturbance on library premises.

B. Library  use can be restricted for lost or damaged books, or for books overdue more than 8 weeks.

C. Patrons who refuse to abide by library policies may be restricted from the library. Those who are unwilling to leave or do not leave within a reasonable amount of time, after being instructed to do so by staff, will be subject to the prevailing laws.

D. Denial of computer use may occur because of any unacceptable use (see Computer Policy)



Updated March 22, 2022 Updated March 22, 2022 A.1. Membership for anyone outside village limits.

8. B. B. Library  use can be restricted for lost or damaged books, or for books overdue more than 8 weeks.

Physical Facilities removed Section 6.  The use of Cell phones is prohibited in the Library but changed to Ringers are requested to be silenced .



Article II.  Unattended Children Policy.   The Fairmont Public Library is a community information resource center.  People come to the library to get information, to read, to use the library’s resource materials, and to study.  It belongs to the whole community and not to any specific person or group of persons.    The library is not a playground, recreation center, or day care facility. Noisy or physically active behavior appropriate in such facilities is not appropriate in the library.  Section 51-212 of the Nebraska Statutes specifically gives public libraries the power to regulate the use of the library and to exclude from the library persons who violate or refuse to comply with the library’s rules and regulations. In order to prevent undue disruption of normal library activities, to provide for the general welfare of all persons using the library and to provide for the general safety of children using the Fairmont public Library the following policies are adopted:

A.  All children seven years of younger shall, at all times, be attended and adequately supervised by an individual 13 years of age or older who is responsible for the care of the children.

  1.  Children eight years and older may use the library unattended, subject to the rules and regulations of the Fairmont Public Library.
  2. The Fairmont Public Library assumes no responsibility for children left unattended on library premises.
  3. When a child seven years or younger appears to be lost or left unattended, the staff of the library will immediately try to locate the responsible adult and will stay with the child until the adult is found.  If the adult cannot be found in one hour’s time or if the library is closing, the staff will contact the police department for assistance.  The staff will under no circumstance take the child out of the building.

E.    Parents and caregivers are responsible for the behavior, safety, and supervision of their children at all times in the library and on library premises.

F.    Adults using the internet workstations should continue to supervise all children accompanying them to the library



ARTICLE III.  Open Hours


                Section 1.  The library will be open a minimum of 34 hours per week.

                Section 2.  The library will be open Monday 9-12 a.m., 1-5:30 p.m., 6:30 – 8 pm;

 Wednesday 9-12 a.m., 1-5:30 p.m., 6:30 – 8 pm

Thursday 1-5:30 pm

 Friday 9-12 ; 1-5:30 p.m

 Saturday 9-12 am

Section 3.  The decision to close the library because of storms or other problems will rest with the Librarian and the Board President.

Section 4.  The library will be closed on the holidays observed by the City of Fairmont.  They are:  New Years Day (Jan 1)

Presidents Day (third Monday in February)

Memorial Day (last Monday in May)

Juneteenth (June 19)

Independence Day (July 4)

Labor Day (1st Monday in Sept)

Columbus Day (second Monday in October)

Thanksgiving (4th Thursday in Nov)

Day after Thanksgiving

Christmas Day (Dec 25th)

                Section 5.  The library will close for the funeral of any business person or City Council Member or employee of the City.


Updated Article III Open hours March 22, 2022 1. 1.  The library will be open a minimum of 34 hours per week.

                2.  The library will be open Monday 9-12 a.m., 1-5:30 p.m., 6:30 – 8 pm;

 Wednesday 9-12 a.m., 1-5:30 p.m., 6:30 – 8 pm

Thursday 1-5:30 pm

 Friday 9-12 ; 1-5:30 p.m

 Saturday 9-12 am

                4. Juneteenth added


ARTICLE IV.  Check Out and Renewals

                Section 1.  All borrowers must have a current library card in order to check out books.  Cards must be renewed each October 1st.

                Section 2.  All books are checked out for 2 weeks.  Magazines are for 7 days.  Videos are checked out for 7 days. 

  •        Section 3. Overdo or Lost Items
  •                A .Failure to return or replace overdue or lost library materials may subject loss of patron’s privileges.

B. All books and DVD’s can be renewed unless reserved or a new item.

Section 4: Replacement of Lost / Damaged Materials.

Replacement of damaged material is the responsibility of the patron who last had the item checked out.  The preferred method of replacement is through the donation of a new copy of the same title.  Second choice is with a donation of a new copy of a similar title in similar format, with approval of staff.  Last choice is payment for the item as established below.  Payments for lost items will be used to purchase new item.

 Book and a/v materials are valued at full cover price, which may be found on the computer.  If this is not available then the full cover cost from the replacement’s vendor will be substituted.

Magazine issues are valued at $5.00 each.

DVD boxes and other accessories are valued at $1.00.

Replacement of lost material is the same as for damaged material. The borrower is obligated to pay for or replace the item after 30 days.  However, if the patron feels the item(s) may turn up they should be renewed until the maximum is reached, then moved to Lost Book as per the procedures manual.  The patron will then have 90 days before restitution is required.

No return of donated material or money will be made, even if the original item is found.                 

Updated March 20, 2022 4: DVD boxes and other accessories are valued at $1.00

Section 3.   Fines have been eliminated



                The library will gather materials, both printed and non-printed, on all subjects possible within the financial means that are of interest to the community.  The Fairmont Library seeks to select, organize, preserve and make freely available those materials which will satisfy the informational, recreational, social and educational needs of the community.

                In collecting materials, the library will adhere to the principals embodied in the Library Bill of Rights, the ALA policy, the statement of Intellectual Freedom and this policy statement.

                The library will endeavor to reserve books about local authors, and Nebraska authors as well as local history materials.

                The library will endeavor to provide for special needs of the community either by in house material or through Interlibrary Loan.  These interest groups include the handicapped and disabled, homebound, institutionalized, children, young adults, the elderly, the unemployed.  Materials will include talking books from N.L.C., Large print, adult basic education materials, easy to read books and picture books as well as the usual books of the library.

                The librarian is responsible for selection.  The staff and members of the community, including members of the Library Board are encouraged to contribute suggestions.

                Reputable book reviews and subject and trade bibliographies are, among other sources, aids for selection that the library uses in identifying and evaluating material.  Journals and bibliographies consulted are:  Wilson Standard Catalogs, ALA’s Book List, Time, Saturday Evening Post, Harpers, Omaha World Herald, and the Lincoln Journal.



The aims of the children’s book selection policy are to:

  1. Select materials that stimulate the enjoyment of books.
  2. Maintain a collection of overall quality.
  3. Represent different points of view.
  4. Respond to changing trends and patterns in society.
  5. Reflect the interests of the immediate community.


Materials are selected with the realization that literature for children is an integral part of all literature.  It is judged by the same standards that apply to adult materials, and it is equally related to social and political conditions.  Books reflecting deliberately discriminatory attitudes or open political bias are not purchased or accepted as donation.

Fiction is provided on a wide range of interests and reading abilities including picture books, easy-to-read books and stories for children through 12th grade.  Fiction for children must reveal life with integrity and reflect sound human value.  Well-written books of imaginative fiction and those that authentically portray a period, incident or way of life are selected despite the occasional use of an unacceptable word or illustration, provided the total impact of the book meets other basic criteria.

Nonfiction must be accurate, informative and current and is selected in as wide a range of reading levels and interests as possible.  Textbooks are added to the collection to provide information on subjects only when there is little or no material available in any other form.  Books on human physical development are carefully selected based on scientific accuracy and dignity of presentation.  Works of specific religious teaching or practice are not purchased or accepted.

Both fiction and nonfiction in series are evaluated by individual title.  Paperback, pamphlets, periodicals and maps are purchased where needed according to basic selection criteria.    The reference collection includes major encyclopedias, at least one set not more than 5 years old and informational titles appropriate to the needs and interests of children and of adults who work with them.

The collection contains books, which express a wide variety of views and are suitable for all ages and abilities.  The librarian shall choose this wide-ranging collection according to the standard criteria.  It is the responsibility of the parents to decide what their children may or may not read from this collection.

Exclusion of Material


The library reserves the right to exclude books which it judges to have been written purely to appeal to a taste for sensationalism, and/or pornography.  However, a serious work, which illuminates some problem or aspect of life, will not be excluded because of its language or subject matter, which may be offensive to some readers.  The library does not promote particular beliefs or views, but instead presents quality materials containing opposing views for examination by the public.  The presence of an item in the library does not indicate endorsement of its contents by the library or the Board of Directors or the librarian.


Criteria for Selection


                In general the library’s policy is to purchase the books, adult, juvenile and young adult, which best satisfy the clientele of the library within budget limitations.  The established criteria for all fields are:

  1. Permanent or timely value.
  2. Accurate information.
  3. Authoritativeness.
  4. Clear presentation and readability.
  5. Social significance.
  6. Presentation of both sides of controversial issues.
  7. Balancing of special interest groups with demand.
  8. Inclusion of books of doubtful value for their purpose.


Also considered in purchase:

  1. Author’s reputation and significance as a writer.
  2. Importance of subject matter to collection.
  3. Scarcity of material on the subject.
  4. Appearance of title in special bibliographies or indexes.
  5. Reputation and standing of publisher.
  6. Price.
  7. Availability of material selection elsewhere.

The Library’s basic collection will contain only those items, which have the most frequent and lasting usage, chosen from recommended lists and the standard catalog series.  The library will provide large print books for the visually impaired.  It will make every effort to supply handicapped patrons with their requests depending on budget restrictions.

The reference collection shall contain at least a general encyclopedia that is not more than 5 years old, a current unabridged dictionary, a current world atlas, a current world almanac, a local telephone directory, a copy of the local city directory, when one exists, copies of all city ordinances and copies of all city codes.

                The local paper shall be preserved on microfilm and made available in the library.

The library shall have a frequently-weeded pamphlet file.

                Sound business practices will be followed in acquiring materials.

  1. The library will secure the best discount possible.
  2. Acquisition records will show what is on order, what has been received, current budget expenditures, balances and encumbrances.
  3. Orders for library materials will be placed at regular intervals throughout the year to insure a constant flow of acquisitions.
  4. All materials shall be selected and retained or discarded by the administrative librarian and staff in accordance with selection and weeding policies.

Exclusion of Material

The reference collection shall contain at least a general encyclopedia that is not more than 5 years old, a current unabridged dictionary, a current world atlas, a current world almanac, a local telephone directory, a copy of the local city directory, when one exists, copies of all city ordinances and copies of all city codes.

The library shall have a frequently-weeded pamphlet file.

Updated March 23, 2023 Exclusion of Material   Removed Reference Collection and Pamphlet file.



Gifts to the Library

                The criteria for book selection will also apply in the acceptance of gifts and donations of materials to the library.  The library is grateful for gifts.  However, in accepting a gift the library reserves the privilege of deciding if the donation will be added to the library collection.  Some gifts may not be used in the collection for the following reasons:

  1. May be an item of which the library already has a sufficient number.
  2. May not be of sufficient present reference or circulation value to the library.
  3. May be in poor physical condition.

Once a gift is accepted by the library it is clearly understood that it becomes the property of the library, to be used or disposed of at the discretion of the board and the librarian, including option of selling the material and buying new material.  The board will gratefully accept unrestricted gifts of money, lands or property.  Gifts or bequest with specific restrictions attached will be reviewed by the board before acceptance.


Replacement of Materials

                While the library tries to have copies of all standard and important works, it does not attempt to replace each copy withdrawn because of loss, damage, or wear.  Several factors are considered when an item is to be replaced:

  1. The extent of the present library collection on the subject.
  2. The obsolescence of older information because of new developments.
  3. The historical value of the material.
  4. The indexing or listing in a standard library resource.
  5. The amount of public interest in the subject.

Books often go out of print rapidly, and many titles cannot be replaced through regular channels.  Efforts are made to replace important out-of-print materials through second-hand dealers.




                All circulation records pertaining to borrower’s use of materials will be kept confidential upon request of the patron.  Numbers will be used instead of patron names on checkout.



                The library upholds the Intellectual Freedom Statement.  If there are any complaints, the patron must file a written complaint with the librarian.  The complaint will be discussed at a meeting of the librarian and the Board of Trustees.  A tentative decision will be reached.  After conferring with the complainant, a final decision will be acted upon.  (See Appendix 2 for complaint form.)

                State law stipulates confidentiality of library records, i.e. Law 84-712.05, “Records which may be withheld from the public”, states that “The following records, unless publicly disclosed in an open court, open administrative proceedings or open meeting or disclosed by a public entity pursuant to its duties, may be withheld from the public by the lawful custodian of the records. . . (10) Records or portions of records kept by a publicly funded library which, when examined with or without other records, revealed the identity of any library patron using the Library’s materials or services.”

 It is the policy of the Fairmont Public Library to maintain complete confidentiality of all library circulation records.


PHOTOCOPY POLICY / Computer Printouts

ARTICLE 1.  Photocopy

                Section 1.  The librarian in charge will do all copying.  Patrons will not use the copy machine.

                Section 2.  All copying will be confidential.

                Section 3.  If large amounts of copying are to be done, librarian has the option of not doing it all at once if she is busy with library business.  Patron can leave it and pick it up as soon as it is done.

                Section 4.  Copy charges are as follows:

                                $.15 a copy

                                $.05 charge for copying on back side

                                3 free black and white copies of any library material per visit

                                Color Printouts will cost $.75 cents each on plain paper. Photo paper needs to be supplied if wanted.

                Section 5.  The library will observe the copyright laws strictly.  See attached copyright.



                Section 1.  The Cricut Machine may be used by the public after proper instruction from the Librarian. Cricut Machine and cartridges remain in the library

Section 2. Materials will be provided by patron.

Section 3. Donations for use of the machine are accepted for replacement needles and supplies.



Sewing Machine Policy

  1. Rules for Use Patrons must have an active Library Card in order to the Bernina Sewing Machine . Exceptions may be granted for programs led by library staff, at the discretion of the Library Director or his/her assignee.
  2. Patrons must sign a Sewing Machine Use and Release Agreement before using . Patrons must complete the required training for any piece of equipment before using or reserving the equipment. Training requirements are unique to each piece of equipment.
  3. Patrons must be 18 years old to use the equipment without supervision. Patrons age 12-17 may use the equipment after completing the training requirements but must be supervised at all times by an adult who has also completed the training. Patrons age 6-12 may accompany a trained adult in order to participate in an educational or creative activity involving the equipment, but cannot use the equipment themselves. Patrons under the age of 6 are not allowed in the Maker Space area. Exceptions may be granted for programs led by library staff, at the discretion of the Library Director or his/her assignee.
  4. Reservations Patrons must have a reservation in order to use a piece of equipment. Reservations may be for a maximum of 3 hours at a time. Extensions on reservation times will be allowed if there are no other scheduled reservations at that time.
  5. Safety and Responsibility Patrons using the Bernina Sewing Machine agree to use the equipment in a safe way, and only after receiving the required training. Patrons must report accidents and/or equipment damage immediately. Patrons will immediately discontinue use of any equipment that becomes unsafe or in a state of disrepair. Following use, all equipment should be in the same condition as it was when the patron began using it. Normal wear and tear is expected. However, patrons agree to pay for the loss of or damage to any items that are lost or damaged due to misuse of the equipment. The cost for the loss or damage will be based on actual costs for repair or replacement, including any parts and labor.
  6.  Patrons acknowledge the inherent risks in the use of the Bernina Sewing Machine and that their voluntary participation in using such equipment may result in injury or damage to themselves or their personal property. Patrons fully assume these risks and release the Fairmont Public Library and the Village Of Fairmont from any liability.

Updated March 20, 2022 whole sewing machine policy





                The Copyright Law of the United States (Title 17, United Stated Code) governs the making of photocopies of other reproductions of copyrighted material.

                Under certain conditions specified in the law, libraries and archives are authorized to furnish a photocopy or other reproduction.  One of these specified conditions is that the photocopy or reproductions is not to be “used for any purpose other than private study, scholarship, or research.”  If a user makes a request for, or later uses, a photocopy or reproduction for purposed in excess of “fair use,” that user may be liable for copyright infringement.

                This institution reserve the right to refuse to accept a copying order, if in its judgment, fulfillment of the order would involve violation of copyright law.



                Rental time for videos is for one week.  There is to be no charge for rental, and the fine of $1.00 per week will be levied against overdue videos.

                Children must have parental permission the first time they check out a DVD.  They will be allowed to check them out alone after the first time.

                 Normal wear and tear of the video is expected and the patron is not responsible for normal damage.  However, lost or broken videos must be replaced by the patron, refer to the replacement policy. 

                Donations for videos are accepted and encouraged, however all criteria in Gifts to Library will be followed.

Updated March 23, 2023 Video policy, Removed Video from heading and changed video to DVD





  1. Computer can be used during regular library hours.
  2. Time can be reserved.
  3. One‑half hour limits will be used if someone is waiting.
  4. No More than two can work on one computer at a time. If they are making to many distractions then only one is permitted at a time.
  5. Schoolwork or research takes priority over Games.
  6. Print outs will cost the current price of copies, 3 in black and white copies are free.
  7. Patron cannot use private software on computer.  Due to Site Licensing.
  8. Any Print outs in full color will cost current rate.
  9.  Only disks, Flash drives that have been checked for Virus’s by Librarian can be used.
  10.  Adults using the internet workstations should continue to supervise all children accompanying them to the library.
  11. Patrons can use their own laptop in or outside the library.

Updated March 23, 2023 Computer Policy 8 Eliminated whole line ;  # 12 removed abiding by our Wi-fi Policy.



Wi-Fi Policy 


The Fairmont Public Library provides filtered and secured Broadband Internet Connectivity This service is not to be used as a permanent connection. Limitations: Wi-Fi is less secure than a wired network. Signal strength may vary in the building and there is no printing capability. Please restrict your use to one hour. No permission slips are needed all ages can use the computers.


By using this wireless access network at the library, the customer acknowledges that he / she  is subject to, and agrees to abide by all laws, and all rules and regulations of the State of NE, and the federal government that is applicable to Internet use.


  • The transmission or receiving of child pornography or harmful material.  Access to or display of obscene language and sexually explicit graphics as defined in the Nebraska State Statues is not permitted.
  • Fraud – Users are prohibited from misrepresenting themselves as another user; attempting to modify or gain access to files, passwords, or data belonging to others; seeking unauthorized access to any computer system, or damaging or altering software components of any network or database.
  • Downloading copyrighted material. U. S. copyright law (Title 17, U. S. Code)  prohibits the unauthorized reproduction or distribution of copyrighted materials, except as permitted by the principles of “Fair use”. Users may not copy or distribute electronic materials without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.


Updated March 23, 2023 Updated Wif-Fi Policy to Filtered and secured Broadband , No Permission slips are needed all ages can use the computers.





  1. Fax Machine can be used during regular library hours only.
  2. Incoming Faxes will not be delivered.  Patron must pick them up during regular library hours.
  3. Donations are welcome and encouraged to cover costs.





ARTICLE 1.  Interlibrary Loan


                Section 1.  The library board recognizes that no single library can meet all the demands in its community.  Libraries in different political subdivisions can, and should, work together and share their services and resources, more fully meeting the needs of their users.  This Public Library will at all opportunities co‑operate with other libraries to strengthen the services and resources of this library and other libraries.

                Section 2.  Interlibrary loan should be used whenever possible to meet the needs of this library’s patrons when we cannot supply materials requested from out own collection.

                Section 3.  Interlibrary loan should not take the place of providing an adequate collection of our own.

                Section 4.  Requests for interlibrary loan material should be surveyed periodically to determine if purchase of the material is advisable.

                Section 5.  Interlibrary loan protocols already established will be followed.  (Interlibrary Loan Code of Nebraska)  SEE APPENDIX 3.

                Section 6. Requests will be taken anytime during library hours and acted upon the same day.  Status of request will be reported back to user within 3 working days.

                Section 7.  The Fairmont Public Library will use the most efficient means of inter-library loan available for its patrons to insure speedy delivery of requested titles.

                Section 8.  When item arrives patron will be notified to pick up.

Section 9. Patrons are required to pay for the return postage of the items received, whether or not they check the items out.  In addition, the patron must pay for any assessed costs of obtaining an item through inter-library loan (rental, copies, fees, etc.)

Section 10. Patrons who lose materials received through ILL will be required to pay the fine or replace the item according to the policies of the lending library.

Section 11. Patrons using the ILL service at the Fairmont Public Library must have a library card here,  and sign an ILL borrowing contract which will be kept on file at the library.






ARTICLE 1.  General Statement


                Section 1.  To achieve the goal of good library service, the Board of Trustees accepts the responsibility to see that public library facilities are provided and maintained which will adequately meet the physical requirements of library service.  Such facilities will offer to the community a compelling invitation to enter, read, look, listen and learn.  Every effort will be made to provide facilities consistent with the program of library service.

                Section 2.  The library assumes no responsibility for the preservation, protection or possible damage or theft of any item displayed or exhibited.  All items placed in the library done so at the owner’s risk.

                Section 3.  No smoking is allowed in the library.

                Section 4.  No food or drink allowed in the library except as provided by the librarian on special occasions.

                Section 5.  The library may not be used for commercial purposes.

                Section 6.  The use of Cell phones is prohibited in the library.


Updated March 23, 2023 Physical Facilities removed Section 6. The use of Cell phones is prohibited in the library. Ringers are requested to be silenced.




ARTICLE 2.  Exhibits and Displays


                Section 1.  No poster, display, exhibit, pamphlet, brochure, leaflet, booklet, etc., shall be exhibited, displayed or placed in the library for distribution without permission.

                Section 2.  Whenever possible displays or exhibits utilizing the display areas shall incorporate books or materials from the library’s collection, which have a relationship to the subject or display.

                Section 3.  No political posters shall be allowed or any type of soliciting or collection.



Finance Policy


The goal of the Fairmont Public Library is to provide a budget that will cover the cost of existing services and the cost of moving the library forward toward pre-determined goals and objectives. Quality library service begins with an adequate budget.  Under the Village of Fairmont Code C-901.


The Library Budget is compiled by the library Director with the Library Boards supervision.  The Library Board approves budget and the Director and Library Board members present it to the Village Council for approval.


The Library Directors wages are set by the Library Board of trustees and present to the Village Council for final approval.


The Library Director has the responsibility for the day to day financial operations of the library.  The Budget contains

Daily Library Operations, Material purchases, supplies, cleaning, Computer, Travel, Memberships, advertizing, Phone, Postage,   This portion of the Library budget is disbursed to the library from the Village Council

 The Village Clerk takes care of Utilities, Insurance, building repair, and wages.




  1. Review monthly financial report
  1. Current Expenditures
  2. Year-to-date figures
  3. Total budget
  4. Balance of budget
  5. Explanation of major changes


Regular Monthly bills are compiled by the Library Director and presented to the Library Board of trustees at the meeting. After any discussion, the board approves bills to be paid and then sent to the Village Clerk to be paid.. 


The Library Director should know what grants are available from state and federal government, and investigate other possible sources of funding support (endowments, trusts, memorials, gifts, foundation grants, donations, fines and fees)


Updated March 23, 2023 Finance Policy: Last Line added and then sent to the Village Clerk to be paid





      The Fairmont Public Library attempts to provide a safe environment for all that uses our facility as well as a safe repository for library materials of all types. Despite our best efforts situations may arise of an emergency nature. These guidelines for foreseeable but unplanned emergencies, which may occur in the library, are designed to reduce risk to life and materials.


       In the event of a major disaster involving a wider section of our community, the library will adhere to the Fillmore County Civil Defense Procedure for Disaster Response.


Emergency Phone Numbers and address list:

                Library Director: Stephanie Chambers 402-759-5594

                Library Assistants:

Rachel Reed (402-814-0845),

Wanda Marget (402-366-8012)

                Library Board Members:
                Georgia Schropfer (402-268-6261 or cell 402-570-0293)

                Amy Toll

                Ambrea Schumacher(402-710-1662)

                Shelly Wicks (402-759-1918)

               Connie Seevers


                Police: 402-268-7611 or Sheriff 402-710-5017

                Fire Dept: 911

                Public Utilities:

Light and Water 402-268-3341 or Village shop 402-759-0466

Gas: Black Hills Energy 800-694-8989

                Dept of Roads:  402-268-3251 Village Shop.  

                Insurance Company: Insurance Company:

Clay Peterson  

Vice President | Producer

T 402 484 4892 | M 402 805 0541 | F +1 402 483 7977

4000 Pine Lake Road | PO Box 6847 | Lincoln, NE | 68506

Clay.Peterson@MarshMMA.com | insproins.com or MarshMMA.com

Policy Number: 3X6640512

                Nearest Medical Facility : Fillmore County Hospital in Geneva 402-759-3167

                Newspaper/Radio:  York Newstimes, York NE 402-362-4478

                                                    Nebraska Signal Geneva NE 402-759-3117

                                                   KAWL Radio Station York NE 402-362-5954



Updated March 23, 2023 Emergency and Safety Procedures  Library Assistnat: updated

Library Board Members updated   Removed neighbors:  Updated Insurance Information


                Library Assistant: Wanda Marget,  Rachel Reed, 

                Library Board Members, Georgia Schropfer, Amy Tol, Ambrea Schumacher, Shelly Wicks  and Connie Seevers

                Insurance Company: Agent: EMC Insurance, Becky Haufle 1-800-946-7776 

Policy Number: 3X6640512



I. Weather Emergencies
  1. Tornado or Violent Storm
    1. When warranted weather conditions will be monitored using television, radio, and/or the Internet. When Fillmore County is in a watch or a warning, staff will follow the appropriate library procedures established for the situation.
    2. If time allows, patrons must either leave the building or take shelter in the library's Bathroom when notified by librarian that a tornado warning is in effect.  If time allows everyone can take cover across the street in the Senior Center basement or bank vault.
    3. If the tornado strikes with little or no warning and there is no time to evacuate to the lower level, patrons and staff should take shelter away from windows and exterior walls, hiding under furniture if they cannot get to an interior room. Everyone should protect his or her heads as much as possible. The open stacks area should be avoided.


  1. Snow storms
    1. The library may open late or close early when winter weather conditions present a danger to staff and patrons. The Library Director shall be authorized to close the library during other times.
    2. Maximum effort will be made to maintain regular library operating hours. However, if the library is closed due to bad weather, The Library Director will notify the Board President of the closing as soon as reasonable.
    3. Programs for all ages will be cancelled whenever the Fillmore Central School District calls off school because of inclement weather, whether or not the library closes.


II. Facility Emergencies
  1. Fire
    1. At the first indication of smoke or flame, staff should investigate the situation to determine location and extent. If the problem can be easily contained staff should proceed to do so. If there is any doubt about controlling the fire, staff should immediately call 911 and then evacuate the building.
    2. Library staff should await emergency personnel at entrance to notify them of the location of the fire and then gather as a group across the street.


  1. Loss of utilities
    1. If electrical power is lost for at least two hours or if the loss makes the temperature or the lighting in the library difficult for working, the library may close until the problem is resolved.
    2. If water is shut off to the library all restrooms should be closed immediately. Staff may be able to use facilities at City Hall or neighboring businesses.
    3. If the natural gas supply to the library is interrupted during winter months, if the temperature drops enough to make working in or using the library uncomfortable, the library should close until problem is resolved.


  1.  Hazardous materials
    1. If carbon monoxide detectors warn of danger or if other chemical fumes are noticeable, staff should immediately evacuate the building and call 911 for assistance.
    2. If a traffic accident in the vicinity of the library involves hazardous waste materials of any type, library staff should follow the directives of City Hall and the Fairmont Police Department or other emergency personnel.


  1.  Plumbing problems or water leaks
    1. If a plumbing problem occurs, staff will close off the affected facility and call for professional assistance if they are unable to resolve the problem.
    2. If plumbing problem or water leak affects major parts of the library, the Library Director may close the library if deemed necessary. City crews can be called upon for immediate assistance and professional help should be found as soon as possible.


  1.  Bomb threat
    1. Staff receiving a bomb threat call will try to keep the caller on the line as long as possible, noting every detail about the caller's voice, background noises, and so forth. If the caller doesn't mention the location and detonation time of the bomb this information should be requested.
    2. When the caller hangs up the phone or when a bomb threat is received in other ways besides the phone, police should be called immediately. Clear the building of all staff and patrons.
    3. When police arrive on the scene, staff will provide them with the information taken on the phone and then evacuate the premises.       
    4. If a bomb threat has been received at a nearby facility, evacuation of the library will be based on the judgment of emergency personnel. Personal Safety


  1.    Health Emergencies or Accidents
    1. Staff should exercise caution when assisting anyone with a health complaint. Make the affected person comfortable and call for emergency personnel immediately in the event of a serious problem. Staff should not attempt to provide first aid unless certified.
    2. At no time should staff ever dispense medication, including aspirin, to the public.
    3. Following the incident an Accident Report form should be written and kept on file and follow the village policy.


  1. Patron Unruliness or Violence
    1. Library patrons are expected to conduct themselves in a manner, which shows respect to other patrons and to staff. Disruptive behavior, which disturbs others or destroys property, will not be tolerated.
    2. Parents/Guardians are responsible for the behavior of their children while in the library. Children who are being disruptive and do not respond to a staff request to stop will be asked to leave the building and if necessary the parent will be called to pick the child up from the library. If a parent is unavailable after one hour, the Fairmont Police Department will be contacted.
    3. Staff members may handle patron situations directly if they feel comfortable doing so. Or, they may report the problem patron to the police immediately.
    4. Staff members may dismiss the offender for the rest of the day or for up to two weeks depending on the severity of the offense. Repeat offenders or those who commit an extremely serious offense may be permanently barred from the library facility by the Library Director. Appeals of the dismissal must be submitted in writing one week prior to regular Library Board meetings and will be reviewed by the Library Director and members of the Library Board at the regular meeting following receipt of the appeal.
    5. Patrons who remain on library premises after being asked to leave, or patrons who enter the library during the time period in which they have been banned from the library, will be subject to arrest and prosecution for trespassing.
    6. Staff members will record in writing their version of the situation.


H. Reporting emergencies

         1.  All emergency situations will be reported to the President of the Library Board and the City      Administrator as appropriate. The full Library Board will be informed of the emergency at the next regular board meeting.


Guidelines for Patron Behavior



The Fairmont Library Board of Trustees has approved these rules/guidelines in order to provide a safe and appropriate environment within the Library that allows all customers to use library facilities to the fullest extent during regularly scheduled hours. Acceptable standards of behavior include but are not limited to this list.


The Library Board of Trustees of the Fairmont Public Library has approved these rules/guidelines in an effort to set a standard of acceptable behavior conducive to appropriate public library use. Acceptable standards of behavior include but are not limited to this list.

  1. Library users shall respect the rights of staff and other patrons and shall not behave in any manner that can reasonably be expected to disturb other persons. Patrons shall not interfere with the right of others to use the library or with the employees' performance of duties. Examples of prohibited behavior include but are not limited to: noisy or boisterous activities, staring at or following another person, singing or talking loudly to self or others, making threats of any kind, destroying property.
  2. Speaking should be kept to normal conversational levels. Audio equipment shall not be audible to other people. Cell phone ringers should be set to vibrate or off; cell phones should be used outside.
  3. Children who are age seven and younger must be supervised by a person age 13 or older.
  4. Sleeping in the library is not allowed.
  5. Weapons of any type are not allowed.
  6. Use of tobacco, alcohol, or illegal drugs is prohibited. Patrons showing signs of drunkenness or drug abuse will be asked to leave the premises.
  7. Consumption of food or beverages is not allowed except in designated areas.
  8. Persons six years of age and older must wear shirts and shoes in the library.
  9. Pets are prohibited; service animals are welcome.
  10. Persons whose bodily hygiene or odor is so offensive as to constitute a nuisance to other patrons and/or library staff shall be required to leave the building.
  11. Compliance with the Public Internet and Computer Acceptable Use Policy is mandatory.
  12.  Any person not complying with these rules or with local or state law shall be asked to leave the library premises and may receive a temporary or permanent ban from future library use.


Patrons temporarily or permanently banned from the library may appeal this decision by contacting the Library Director at least one week before the next regular meeting of the Fairmont Public Library Board. The patron making the appeal will meet with the board at that time.





                The American Library Association affirms that all libraries are forums for information and ideas, and that the following basic policies should guide their services.


  1. Books and other library resources should be provided for the interest, information, and enlightenment of all people of the community the library serves.  Materials should not be excluded because of the origin, background, or views of those contributing to their creation.
  2. Libraries should provide materials and information presenting all points of view on current and historical issues.  Materials should not be proscribed or removed because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval.
  3. Libraries should challenge censorship in the fulfillment of their responsibility to provide information and enlightenment.
  4. Libraries should cooperate with all persons and groups concerned with resisting abridgment of free expression and free access to ideas.
  5. A person’s right to use a library should not be denied or abridged because of origin, age, background, or views.
  6. Libraries that make exhibit spaces and meeting rooms available to the public they serve should make such facilities available on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use.

Adopted June 18, 1948

Amended February 2, 1961, June 27, 1967 and January 23, 1980, by the ALA Council


Affirmed as NEBRASKA LIBRARY BILL OF RIGHTS April3, 1981 by unanimous adoption of the Nebraska Library Commission.


Library Board Annual Reports, By-Laws, and Strategic Plan: 





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Some of our Quilting projects